List of Aqua Teen Hunger Force characters
This is a list of characters featured in the Adult Swim animated television series Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Recurring characters[edit]
Dr. Weird[edit]
Voiced by C. Martin Croker, Dr. Weird is a mad scientist who lives in an abandoned mental asylum on the perpetually rainy Jersey Shore that shows up at the cold openings of the first three seasons. Dr. Weird did not appear on the show again until the eighth season, but some episodes have a picture of him and Frylock in Frylock's room. The movie explains that it was Dr. Weird who created the Aqua Teens for the purpose of watching them crash into a brick wall, but this idea never became a reality. But in the end's twist, Dr. Weird was revealed to have been created by Frylock.
Steve, also voiced by C. Martin Croker, is Dr. Weird's assistant. Red-haired, wearing a lab coat and science goggles, is normally pictured holding and staring at a test tube. Steve often becomes the victim of mishaps with Weird's experiments, many resulting in his death or some kind of negative reaction.
George Lowe[edit]
George Lowe is a recurring character voiced by the voice actor with the same name who is best known for providing the voice of Space Ghost on Space Ghost Coast to Coast. George made his first appearance in "Mail Order Bride" as a wedding DJ. In the majority of his appearances he appears as a cop, although in "Antenna" he appears as himself.
Allen () - An alien who takes over the world and kills anyone who he finds to be acting immoral. Master Shake lies to and manipulates him to get him killed, saving the world.
Matt Berry
Bert Banana (), Tammy Tangerine (Kristen Schaal) and Mortimer Mango (H. Jon Benjamin) – A group of born again Christian fruit who Frylock meets on Myspace. They try to convert the Aqua Teens to Christianity but eventually fall off the wagon themselves and start drinking again.[3] They made cameos in "A PE Christmas".[4] An Aqua Teen Hunger Force spin-off series entitled Soul Quest Overdrive features characters inspired by them.
David Cross
Dan () – a rain gutter salesman who "won't leave 'til he makes a sale" and strongly resembles the Grim Reaper. Dan sold gutters to the Aqua Teens and killed Carl. Dan's only appearance occurs in "Grim Reaper Gutters".[7]
Ned Hastings
Dingle, Merle () and Flargon (Scott Hilley) – Three leprechauns who trick people by sending spam emails to go to the park and stay in the rainbow, but in reality, they steal their valuables. They use a rainbow machine which they stole from Dr. Weird. The leader is dim-witted, while his partner is slightly more intelligent. The gender of the extra one is unknown and all he says are "Feet" and "No Feet".[8] They were killed trying to reach the Moon in "The Last One" in an accident that also destroys the trees.[6]
Andy Merrill
Drewbacca () – A Wookiee who pretended to be a werewolf. He offered to cut the Aqua Teens' lawn if they helped him blow up the moon, but he ended up annoying Frylock very much. At one point in the episode, Drewbacca turned into a werewolf (though this is later revealed to just be his Wookiee hair growing back), and killed Carl. He is later revealed to be a shaved Wookiee (and a fan of Star Trek) who plays in a Star Trek tribute band (which was revealed by Frylock). Drewbacca's only appearance on the show was "2-And-A-Half Star Wars Out of Five".[9]
Scott Adsit
D.P. and Skeeter (aka Frat Aliens) () – Two aliens who have blue-green skin and often seem intoxicated. D.P. keeps mentioning that his father owns an automobile dealership. In the episode "Frat Aliens", where they are first introduced, D.P. admits he does not know his given name.[10] He has claimed that D.P. stands for "Donkey Puncher". They also appeared in the episode "The Last One", where they are both killed and devoured by a female alien;[6] however, they are featured in the 2007 video game Aqua Teen Hunger Force Zombie Ninja Pro-Am.[11]
Patton Oswalt
Dusty Gonzagas – a mindless sexy stripper/electrician that Shake and Carl become obsessed over and fight over.
Freedom Cobra () – A living tattoo of a cobra, Shake got to pick up chicks. It was the tattoo artist's cheapest tattoo and had to be "installed" during a lightning storm. It gives its wearer an appetite for human flesh. At first, Shake managed to convince him to start off with Meatwad's dog Bobby (which was originally Shake's dog before it started attacking him in response to his abuse), but later ends up eating Carl, after Freedom Cobra suggested they eat Meatwad (who Shake didn't want to eat out of fear of getting into trouble). Shake later told Frylock and Meatwad the truth after Frylock discovered Carl's hand. They took Shake to the doctor to get the tattoo surgically removed, but Freedom Cobra forced the doctor to cut off his hands so he and Shake could eat them. He also had the doctor give Shake plastic surgery apparently so no one can tell Shake's sad, after he's done eating them. It appears in the episode "Freedom Cobra".[12]
Lance Reddick
Gorgatron – A giant Mooninite who Ignignokt and Err use as a villain in their video game to seek the "moon master" for protection from him. Only seen in "Moon Master".
Handbanana (Dave Willis) – A yellow dog Frylock made for Meatwad using a software called Make Your Own Dog 1.0. Although nice and friendly to everyone else he "mindlinks" with Carl and rapes him repeatedly throughout the episode. Handbanana was made from radioactive waste and Shake's hand and has a close resemblance to a , hence how he got his name. He has a non-speaking cameo in "One Hundred". He also appears in the Aqua Unit Patrol Squad-1 intro, as a leather jacket wearing thug fighting with Frylock.[14]
Happy Time Harry () – A mean, cynical, and depressed doll Frylock bought for Meatwad due to his low price of $3.99. His bad attitude affects all the Aqua Teens, especially Meatwad, who after trying to play with him, adopts his cynical demeanor. Happy Time Harry suffers from alcoholism, cirrhosis, and a pill addiction. He is also suicidal and engages in self-harming behavior. When threatened by Master Shake and Frylock, he begs them to put him out of his misery. He has a receding hairline and wears only a pair of boxers and little red dancing shoes. He has a retractable knife in place of his missing hand, which he claims his father gave him. He was thrown of a cliff by Master Shake at the end of "Dumber Dolls"[15] but was later killed by Frylock in "The Last One".[6]
David Cross
Hoppy Bunny () – A furry who wears a large pink bunny head with a crown on it. When Carl's new recorder started taking control of him, Hoppy Bunny ordered Carl to put on an elfish garb and play the recorder for the amusement of him and his fellow furries. In his day job, he's a surgeon.[16]
Scott Adsit
Inflatable Hitler () – Adolf Hitler in the form of a balloon, the result of an attempt to smuggle his Nazi Memorabilia in a balloon placed in his rectum, the balloon's pop killing him and fusing his soul into it. Frylock worked for him for a brief time, somewhat unaware of his identity, until he found out that Hitler planned to get rid of Jews with an army Ayran Ballons (armed with the biological weapon Frylock designed to target Jews that he was having Frylock develop). Frylock and Master Shake try to pass off balloons filled with Shake's farts as the bio-weapon Frylock developed, but Hitler discovers their deception (having converted Meatwad to the Jewish faith in order to test the weapon out on him) and unleashes his balloon army on them, however Frylock defeats them easily by popping them with the sharp end of his fry. Hitler then tells his origin story before the Aqua Teens manage to convince him to stop hating the Jews when he found out Adam Sandler (along several celebrities he liked) is a Jew, causing him to accept the Jews, even hugging Jewish Meatwad. However, he is popped and killed by Frylock when he redirects his hatred from the Jews to gay people. His only appearance on the show was in "Der Inflatable Fuhrer".[17]
Bill Hader
Insane-O-Flex – A transforming exercise machine created by Walter Melon. In the feature film, Carl sits in it when it is still in the form of a normal exercise machine. After Carl sits down, the machine transforms into a monster that straps Carl to it, and forces him to do an innumerable amount of reps, leaving Carl with a gigantic, chiseled body. The Insane-o-flex creates havoc throughout the whole town. However its one weakness is horrible music through which it cannot "feel" rhythm. Master Shake destroys the Insane-o-flex by playing a horribly mediocre song called "Nude Love" from his new album. The Insane-o-flex is probably a girl, because it lays eggs. First appeared in .
the movie
Javier – Dr. Weird's Spanish speaking janitor. In Revenge of the Trees when Steve was mocking Dr. Weird, Javier tried to warn Steve of Dr. Weird's giant head popping out before Steve had his head bitten off. In Kidney Car, Javier discovers Dr. Weird's medallion and upon picking it up, Dr. Weird shoots him with exploding tacos.
Love Mummy (Tom Clarke) – A mummy who demands expensive goods and threatens the Aqua Teens with a curse if they fail to comply. Eventually, Frylock discovers that the "curse" is simply a tactic to manipulate the Aqua Teens to do his bidding, and simply throws him out with the garbage. The Love Mummy also appears as a "piece of junk" in later episodes. His crown hat turns the lower half of anyone who wears it into a snake tail, as it did to Carl.
Major Shake – a poorly made clone of Master Shake, created by Oglethorpe and Emory, and has a boombox sticking in his side. Was sent to Earth to "deteroform" the Earth and is shown to be smarter than his creators. Frylock easily saw through his disguise, knowing he didn't share the same kind of personality as Shake.
Markula (Matt Maiellaro) – the landlord of the Aqua Teens and Carl. He is a vampire. In the first couple of episodes of , Markula had demons kidnap the Aqua Teens, because he refused to fix a gas leak, so they refused to pay for October's rent. In those episodes Carl received new neighbors that irritated Carl and, in the same breath, overjoyed Markula. Markula also has the power to mutate living things by biting them. Markula was eventually killed by Carl with a bottle of garlic champagne in the episode "Couples Skate" exclaiming "Open wide, jackass!". He was 4040 years old. In the very next episode (Reedickyoulus), Frylock said "Finally, I keep telling and telling our landlord" even though Markula was dead at the time. Somehow Markula survived, because he shows up in a season 8 episode in which he and a bunch of bats have a virus that affects Carl, but not Shake.
season five
Mothmonsterman () – A moth created by Dr. Weird. He is infatuated with Master Shake's signal, and stalked the Aqua Teens with the hope that Master Shake would switch the signal back on.[19] He looks like a giant moth. He wears brown pants and black shoes. He also appeared in "The Last One".[6]
H. Jon Benjamin
Ol' Drippy – a living breathing clutter reincarnated from a pile of trash Shake left sitting molding on the floor. He befriends Meatwad and has a habit of cleaning and redecorating. He claims to be half-penicillin.
One Hundred () – Only appeared in the 100th episode special, "One Hundred", is a giant, mutant yellow 100, that destroyed the Aqua Teens house and thus following them into the old Scooby-Doo cartoon parody threatening to rape Shake's girlfriend.[20]
Robert Smigel
Oog – a prehistoric caveman, who stumbled upon one of Frylock's inventions that vanished in time, that kept him alive and made him a bit more intelligent.
The POD () – A live pod. He kept trying to replicate Shake, but Frylock stopped him every time. He's a big fan of Chickenfoot. In the end the POD replicated Carl and Chickenfoot.[21] His only appearance on the show was "IAMAPOD".
Bill Hader
RABBOT – a giant robotic bunny created by Dr. Weird who wreaks havoc upon the city, sprays an alarming amount of hairspray, totals Carl's car, and constantly names the days of the week.
Randy the Astonishing (Dave Willis) – A yellow creature that is the prince of Jupiter. Shake sold Meatwad to Randy's circus which becomes a flop when Shake does his act. He later shows up in "The Last One" getting controlled by a spore, and getting a wig from a clown head.[6]
Rubberman () – (character design by Catherine Kaehne - also known as Lance Potter or Lance: the Duck made from Used Condoms) Appearing in the episode "Rubberman," Frylock created him out of the used condoms and needles left outside Carl's house by crackwhores, and intended to use him as a duck-shaped mascot to promote safe sex. Instead, Meatwad uses Carl's lamp to bring him to life á la Frosty the Snowman, at which point they go on a crime spree. Eventually he was killed by Frylock with a flamethrower.[24]
Don Kennedy
Rudy – A giant baby who is worshiped as a god by the Flightless Birds of Death Island. He is encountered by the Aqua Teens (in episode 90: ) when they embark on an expedition to acquire more metallic eggs to use as balls for Master Shake's custom built pinball machine. He later goes on a rampage and destroys his entire island, causing the Flightless Birds to speculate that he may be developmentally disabled.
The Trees – Talking trees that tried to prove that Shake and Carl were guilty for dumping waste into the forest. The Tree Judge is voiced by Dave Willis, while the Stenographer is voiced by Matt Maiellaro and the others are voiced by Jay Edwards, Jim Fortier, Ned Hastings, Nick Ingkatanuwat, and Vishal Roney, while their Court-Appointed Shrub Lawyer assigned to the Aqua Teens is voiced by Dana Snyder. They were set on fire in "The Last One".[6]
Turkatron (Matt Maiellaro) – A robotic turkey who was under the impression that he was actually the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past From the Future, but he's actually a malfunctioning toy turkey, and there are hundreds of him. He also likes to start stories with .[26]
"In the year of 9595...."
Walter Melon () – The father of the Aqua Teens. He wanted to use their saved income to build an exercise gym. He knew his plan would fail when he found out that they all live in the same house, which they rent. He is the creator of the Insane-o-flex and he produced three best-selling exercise videos which caused him to lose his job. First appeared in the movie. Not to be confused with the titular main character from the short-lived animated series of the same name that ran on the ABC Family Channel (now Freeform).
Chris Kattan
Wayne "The Brain" McClain () – A super smart alien that wears grass on his head to cover his huge brain. He appears in a single episode where he competes with the Aqua Teens in a game of bar trivia. After winning a couple of times, he reveals that everything was an illusion he created with his mind in order to be cool.[27]
Seth MacFarlane
Willie Nelson () – An onion with spider legs who lives in the Aqua Teens attic. At first Shake thought he was not scary so he tried to teach Willie to be scarier, until he learned that Willie kills people. He first appeared in "The Shaving".[28] He also appears in "One Hundred"[20] and in Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters when the roof is torn off by the Insane-O-Flex. Willie was named after the real-life country musician.
Tom Scharpling
Zakk Wylde - a legendary rocker whom Shake owes money to after they recorded a flop of a song. Rides on a chariot carried by unicorns and wields an axe-shaped guitar.
Dr. Zord () - An evil rabbit that switched bodies with Master Shake after they both stared into each other's eyes while peeing in a wishing well. Dr. Zord was originally a rabbit Meatwad wanted, but Frylock wouldn't let him have so it was given to him by Master Shake. Dr. Zord then knocked out Master Shake and switched bodies with him, but later died of a spider bite while still in Shake's body.