Katana VentraIP

Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest

The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, Latin: Institutum Christi Regis Summi Sacerdotis, abbreviated as ICRSS and ICKSP,[3] is a society of apostolic life of pontifical right[4] in communion with the Holy See of the Catholic Church. The institute has the stated goal of honouring God and the sanctification of priests in the service of the Catholic Church and souls. An integral part of the institute's charism is the use of the traditional liturgy, namely the Tridentine Missal for Mass, the Breviary of John XXIII for the Divine Office, and the Rituale Romanum for other sacraments.[5] The society has undertaken the restoration of a number of historic church buildings.



1 September 1990

Gricigliano, Italy

  •  • 147 priests
  •  • 108 seminarians
  •  • 71 sisters
  •  • 18 oblates[1]

The institute's rule of life is based generally on that of the secular canons. Its stated mission is the defense and propagation of the reign of Christ the King in all areas of human life, both private and social.

,[5] who emphasized teaching the Catholic faith with patience and charity, encouraging all Catholics to a life of holiness through the ordinary means of the Church, such as devout attendance at Mass and frequent confession.

Francis de Sales

with his love for the solemn celebration of the liturgy, his emphasis on work and prayer, "Benedictine hospitality", and role in laying the groundwork for an integral Christian civilization in medieval Europe.

Benedict of Nursia

with his emphasis on the harmony between faith and reason.

Thomas Aquinas

The institute was canonically erected on 1 September 1990 by Gilles Wach and Philippe Mora in Gabon, Africa, where the Institute still has missions,[5] notably in the capital Libreville. Its canonical status was of diocesan right until 7 October 2008. On that date, it was granted the status of pontifical right by decree, titled Saeculorum Rex, of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, on the occasion of the visit of Camille Perl, the vice-president of the commission. Deacons and priests are incardinated into the institute, whose prior general has the right to call to orders.

The institute is based in Gricigliano, Italy, in the Archdiocese of Florence. Its international seminary of Saint Philip Neri is also located there, and the institute's ordinations and other major masses are held at the church of San Gaetano in Florence.[6][7]

Wach serves as prior general and Mora as rector of the seminary. Both received their priestly formation under Cardinal Giuseppe Siri of Genoa.

As of 2022, the institute has 139 priests, as well as clerical oblates who go through formation but may only be ordained up to the permanent diaconate, working instead for the several apostolates of the institute.[8]

The charism of the institute is based on the example of its three patron saints:

The institute also honors as its primary patroness the Virgin Mary under the title "of the Immaculate Conception, to Whom it is consecrated."[5] Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus is the patroness of its African missions.

Society of the Sacred Heart[edit]

The Society of the Sacred Heart is a lay society associated with the institute.[17] The lay members of the society pledge to live according to a modified Benedictine rule, within their vocation. Through membership in the society, lay faithful can participate in the spiritual and social missions of the institute through prayer, devotions, spiritual direction, and study of the spiritual writings of Saint Francis de Sales.

Consecrated life

Institutes of consecrated life

Religious institute (Catholic)

Secular institute

Vocational Discernment in the Catholic Church

Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest

Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus

Society of the Sacred Heart