Intercommunal conflict in Mandatory Palestine
During the British rule in Mandatory Palestine, there was civil, political and armed struggle between Palestinian Arabs and the Jewish Yishuv, beginning from the violent spillover of the Franco-Syrian War in 1920 and until the onset of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. The conflict shifted from sectarian clashes in the 1920s and early 1930s to an armed Arab Rebellion against British rule in 1936, armed Jewish Revolt primarily against the British in mid-1940s and finally open war in November 1947 between Arabs and Jews.
The cultural Zionist "saw the historical rights of the Jews as outweighing the Arabs' residential rights in Palestine".[26]
Ahad Ha'am
's companion Max Nordau, a political Zionist, declared that Palestine was the "legal and historical inheritance" of the Jewish nation, and that the Palestinian Arabs had only "possession rights".[27]
Theodor Herzl
labour Zionism's most important leader, held that the Jewish people had a superior right to Palestine,[28] that Palestine was important to the Jews as a nation and to the Arabs as individuals, and hence the right of the Jewish people to concentrate in Palestine, a right which was not due to the Arabs.[29]
David Ben-Gurion
leader of the more radical revisionist Zionists, held that since Palestine was only a very small part of the Land held by the Arab nation, "requisition of an area of land from a nation with large stretches of territory, in order to make a home for a wandering people is an act of justice, and if the land-owning nation does not wish to cede it (and this is completely natural) it must be compelled".[30]
Zeev Jabotinsky
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(2006). The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. Oxford: One World Books. (2006) ISBN 978-1-85168-467-0
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