Katana VentraIP

July Revolution

The French Revolution of 1830, also known as the July Revolution (French: révolution de Juillet), Second French Revolution, or Trois Glorieuses ("Three Glorious [Days]"), was a second French Revolution after the first in 1789. It led to the overthrow of King Charles X, the French Bourbon monarch, and the ascent of his cousin Louis Philippe, Duke of Orléans. After 18 precarious years on the throne, Louis-Philippe was overthrown in the French Revolution of 1848.

Not to be confused with June Rebellion, July Days, or July Crisis.


26–29 July 1830


The July Revolution

French society

The 1830 Revolution marked a shift from one constitutional monarchy, under the restored House of Bourbon, to another, the July Monarchy; the transition of power from the House of Bourbon to its cadet branch, the House of Orléans; and the replacement of the principle of hereditary right by that of popular sovereignty. Supporters of the Bourbons would be called Legitimists, and supporters of Louis Philippe were known as Orléanists. In addition, there continued to be Bonapartists supporting the return of Napoleon's descendants.

Imposition of the death penalty for anyone profaning the (see Anti-Sacrilege Act).


The provisions for financial indemnities for properties confiscated by the and the First Empire of Napoleon—these indemnities to be paid to anyone, whether noble or non-noble, who had been declared "enemies of the revolution."

1789 Revolution

Eugène Lepoittevin, Souvenirs patriotiques no. 1, 1830, Rijksmuseum

Eugène Lepoittevin, Souvenirs patriotiques no. 1, 1830, Rijksmuseum

Eugène Lepoittevin, Souvenirs patriotiques no. 2, 1830, Bibliothèque nationale de France

Eugène Lepoittevin, Souvenirs patriotiques no. 2, 1830, Bibliothèque nationale de France

Eugène Lepoittevin, Souvenirs patriotiques no. 3, 1830, Rijksmuseum

Eugène Lepoittevin, Souvenirs patriotiques no. 3, 1830, Rijksmuseum

Eugène Lepoittevin, studies of soldiers and a dead horse, 1830, Rijksmuseum

Eugène Lepoittevin, studies of soldiers and a dead horse, 1830, Rijksmuseum

Eugène Lepoittevin, 28 Juillet 1830: Premier Rassemblement des Citoyens et des Elèves de l'école Polytechnique Place du Panthéon, 1830

Eugène Lepoittevin, 28 Juillet 1830: Premier Rassemblement des Citoyens et des Elèves de l'école Polytechnique Place du Panthéon, 1830

Jean-Baptiste Goyet, Une Famille Parisienne (le 28 Juillet 1830), 1830.

Jean-Baptiste Goyet, Une Famille Parisienne (le 28 Juillet 1830), 1830.

Jean-Baptiste Goyet, Une Famille Parisienne (le 30 Juillet 1830), 1830.

Jean-Baptiste Goyet, Une Famille Parisienne (le 30 Juillet 1830), 1830.

Bourgeois revolution

Pinkney, David H. (1972). . Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0691052021.

The French Revolution of 1830

Mansel, Philip (2001). Paris Between Empires. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Antonetti, Guy (2002). Louis-Philippe. Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard.  2-2135-9222-5.


Berenson, Edward. Populist religion and left-wing politics in France, 1830–1852 (Princeton University Press, 2014).

Collingham, Hugh AC, and Robert S. Alexander. The July monarchy: a political history of France, 1830–1848. Longman Publishing Group, 1988.

Fortescue, William. France and 1848: The end of monarchy (Routledge, 2004).

Hone, William (1830). (Second ed.). London: Thomas Tegg.

Full Annals of the Revolution in France, 1830 ... Illustrated with engravings

Howarth, T.E.B. Citizen King: Life of Louis-Philippe (1975).

Lucas-Dubreton, Jean. The Restoration and the July Monarchy (1923) pp. 174–368.

Newman, Edgar Leon, and Robert Lawrence Simpson. Historical Dictionary of France from the 1815 Restoration to the Second Empire (Greenwood Press, 1987)

online edition

(June 1989). "The Economic Crisis of 1827–32 and the 1830 Revolution in Provincial France". The Historical Journal. 32 (2): 319–338. doi:10.1017/S0018246X00012176. S2CID 154412637.

Pilbeam, Pamela

(December 1983). "The 'Three Glorious Days': The Revolution of 1830 in Provincial France". The Historical Journal. 26 (4): 831–844. doi:10.1017/S0018246X00012711. S2CID 154242989.

Pilbeam, Pamela

Pinkney, David H. (1961). "A New Look at the French Revolution of 1830". Review of Politics. 23 (4): 490–506. :10.1017/s003467050002307x. JSTOR 1405706. S2CID 143524193.


Price, Roger (December 1974). "Legitimist Opposition to the Revolution of 1830 in the French Provinces". . 17 (4): 755–778. doi:10.1017/S0018246X00007895. S2CID 154214035.

The Historical Journal

Rader, Daniel L. The Journalists and the July Revolution in France: The Role of the Political Press in the Overthrow of the Bourbon Restoration, 1827–1830 (Springer, 2013).

Reid, Lauren (2012). (Thesis).

Political Imagery of the 1830 Revolution and the July Monarchy

Schmidt-Funke, Julia A. (2011). . European History Online (in German). Institute of European History, Mainz. OCLC 704840169. Retrieved 21 February 2013.

"Die 1830er Revolution als europäisches Medienereignis"