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Metaphysics (Aristotle)

Metaphysics (Greek: τὰ μετὰ τὰ φυσικά, "those after the physics"; Latin: Metaphysica[1]) is one of the principal works of Aristotle, in which he develops the doctrine that he calls First Philosophy.[a] The work is a compilation of various texts treating abstract subjects, notably substance theory, different kinds of causation, form and matter, the existence of mathematical objects and the cosmos, which together constitute much of the branch of philosophy later known as metaphysics.

Date, style and composition[edit]

Many of Aristotle's works are extremely compressed, and many scholars believe that in their current form, they are likely lecture notes.[2] Subsequent to the arrangement of Aristotle's works by Andronicus of Rhodes in the first century BC, a number of his treatises were referred to as the writings "after ("meta") the Physics"[b], the origin of the current title for the collection Metaphysics. Some have interpreted the expression "meta" to imply that the subject of the work goes "beyond" that of Aristotle's Physics or that it is metatheoretical in relation to the Physics. But others believe that "meta" referred simply to the work's place in the canonical arrangement of Aristotle's writings, which is at least as old as Andronicus of Rhodes or even Hermippus of Smyrna.[3] In other surviving works of Aristotle, the metaphysical treatises are referred to as "the [writings] concerning first philosophy";[c] which was the term Aristotle used for metaphysics.[d]

It is notoriously difficult to specify the date at which Aristotle wrote these treatises as a whole or even individually, especially because the Metaphysics is, in Jonathan Barnes' words, "a farrago, a hotch-potch", and more generally because of the difficulty of dating any of Aristotle's writings.[5] The order in which the books were written is not known; their arrangement is due to later editors. In the manuscripts, books are referred to by Greek letters. For many scholars, it is customary to refer to the books by their letter names. Book 1 is called Alpha (Α); 2, little alpha (α);[e] 3, Beta (Β); 4, Gamma (Γ); 5, Delta (Δ); 6, Epsilon (Ε); 7, Zeta (Ζ); 8, Eta (Η); 9, Theta (Θ); 10, Iota (Ι); 11, Kappa (Κ); 12, Lambda (Λ); 13, Mu (Μ); 14, Nu (Ν).

Book I or Alpha begins by discussing the nature of knowledge and compares knowledge gained from the and from memory, arguing that knowledge is acquired from memory through experience.[6] It then defines "wisdom" (sophia) as a knowledge of the first principles (arche) or causes of things. Because those who are wise understand the first principles and causes, they know the why of things, unlike those who only know that things are a certain way based on their memory and sensations. The wise are able to teach because they know the why of things, and so they are better fitted to command, rather than to obey. He then surveys the first principles and causes of previous philosophers, starting with the material monists of the Ionian school and continuing up until Plato.


Book II or "little alpha": Book II addresses a possible objection to the account of how we understand first principles and thus acquire wisdom, that attempting to discover the first principle would lead to an . It argues in response that the idea of an infinite causal series is absurd, and argues that only things that are created or destroyed require a cause, and that thus there must be a primary cause that is eternal, an idea he develops later in Book Lambda.

infinite series of causes

Book III or Beta lists the main problems or puzzles () of philosophy.[7]


Book IV or Gamma: Chapters 2 and 3 argue for its status as a subject in its own right. The rest is a defense of (a) what we now call the , the principle that it is not possible for the same proposition to be (the case) and not to be (the case), and (b) what we now call the principle of excluded middle: tertium non datur — there cannot be an intermediary between contradictory statements.

principle of contradiction

Book V or Delta ("philosophical lexicon") is a list of definitions of about thirty key terms such as , nature, one, and many.


Book VI or Epsilon has two main concerns. The first concern is the hierarchy of the sciences: productive, practical or theoretical. Aristotle considers theoretical sciences superior because they study beings for their own sake—for example, Physics studies beings that can be moved—and do not have a target (τέλος telos, "end, goal"; τέλειος, "complete, perfect") beyond themselves. He argues that the study of being qua being, or First Philosophy, is superior to all the other theoretical sciences because it is concerned with the ultimate causes of all reality, not just the secondary causes of a part of reality. The second concern of Epsilon is the study of "accidents" (κατὰ συμβεβηκός), those attributes that do not depend on (τέχνη) or exist by necessity, which Aristotle believes do not deserve to be studied as a science.


Textual criticism[edit]

In the 19th century, with the rise of textual criticism, the Metaphysics was examined anew. Critics, noting the wide variety of topics and the seemingly illogical order of the books, concluded that it was actually a collection of shorter works thrown together haphazardly. In the 20th century two general editions have been produced by W. D. Ross (1924) and by W. Jaeger (1957). Based on a careful study of the content and of the cross-references within them, W. D. Ross concluded that books A, B, Γ, E, Z, H, Θ, M, N, and I "form a more or less continuous work", while the remaining books α, Δ, Κ and Λ were inserted into their present locations by later editors. However, Ross cautions that books A, B, Γ, E, Z, H, Θ, M, N, and I — with or without the insertion of the others — do not constitute "a complete work".[19] Werner Jaeger further maintained that the different books were taken from different periods of Aristotle's life. Everyman's Library, for their 1000th volume, published the Metaphysics in a rearranged order that was intended to make the work easier for readers.

Editing the Metaphysics has become an open issue in works and studies of the new millennium. New critical editions have been produced of books Gamma,[20] Alpha,[21] and Lambda.[22] Differences from the more-familiar 20th Century critical editions of Ross and Jaeger mainly depend on the stemma codicum of Aristotle's Metaphysics, of which different versions have been proposed since 1970.[23][24][25]





Greek text with commentary: Aristotle's Metaphysics. . 2 Vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924. Reprinted in 1953 with corrections.

W. D. Ross

Greek text: Aristotelis Metaphysica. Ed. . Oxford Classical Texts. Oxford University Press, 1957. ISBN 978-0-19-814513-4.

Werner Jaeger

Greek text with English: Metaphysics. Trans. Hugh Tredennick. 2 vols. Loeb Classical Library 271, 287. Harvard U. Press, 1933–35.  0-674-99299-7, ISBN 0-674-99317-9.


Aristotle's Metaphysics. Trans. Hippocrates Gorgias Apostle. Bloomington: Indiana U. Press, 1966.

Aristotle's Metaphysics. Translated by Sachs, Joe (2nd ed.). Santa Fe, N.M.: Green Lion Press. 2002.  1-888009-03-9.


Wolfgang Class: Aristotle's Metaphysics, A Philological Commentary


A History of Philosophy: Volume I Greece and Rome (Parts I and II) New York: Image Books, 1962.

Copleston, Frederick, S.J.

Aristotle's Metaphysics. Translated by Lawson-Tancred, Hugh. Penguin. 1998.  0140446192.


Ackrill, J. L., 1963, Aristotle: Categories and De Interpretatione, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Alexandrou, S., 2014, Aristotle's Metaphysics Lambda: Annotated Critical Edition, Leiden: Brill.

Anagnostopoulos, Georgios (ed.), 2009, A Companion to Aristotle, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

Elders, L., 1972, Aristotle's Theology: A Commentary on Book Λ of the Metaphysics, Assen: Van Gorcum.

Gerson, Lloyd P. (ed.) and Joseph Owens, 2007, Aristotle's Gradations of being in Metaphysics E-Z, South Bend: St Augustine's Press.

Gill, Mary Louise, 1989, Aristotle on Substance: The Paradox of Unity, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

– can be downloaded as .epub, .mobi and other formats.

Available bundled with Organon and other works

and original Greek at Perseus. Translation by Hugh Tredennick from the Loeb Classical Library.

English translation

by W. D. Ross at MIT's Internet Classics Archive.

English translation

on the Metaphysics, in Latin, together with the 'old' (Arabic) and new translation based on William of Moerbeke at Gallica.

Averroes' commentary

entry by Joe Sachs in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Aristotle: Metaphysics

Cohen, S. Marc. . In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

"Aristotle's Metaphysics"

A good summary of scholarly comments at:

Theory and History of Ontology

public domain audiobook at LibriVox

















