Katana VentraIP

Propositional formula

In propositional logic, a propositional formula is a type of syntactic formula which is well formed. If the values of all variables in a propositional formula are given, it determines a unique truth value. A propositional formula may also be called a propositional expression, a sentence, or a sentential formula.

A propositional formula is constructed from simple propositions, such as "five is greater than three" or propositional variables such as p and q, using connectives or logical operators such as NOT, AND, OR, or IMPLIES; for example:

In mathematics, a propositional formula is often more briefly referred to as a "proposition", but, more precisely, a propositional formula is not a proposition but a formal expression that denotes a proposition, a formal object under discussion, just like an expression such as "x + y" is not a value, but denotes a value. In some contexts, maintaining the distinction may be of importance.

Example: in row 5, ( (b+a) + ci ) = ( (1+0) + 1 ) = the number "2". written as a binary number this is 102, where "co"=1 and Σ=0 as shown in the right-most columns.

The unary negation connective. If is a formula, then is a formula.

The classical binary connectives . Thus, for example, if and are formulas, so is .

Other binary connectives, such as NAND, NOR, and XOR

The ternary connective IF ... THEN ... ELSE ...

Constant 0-ary connectives ⊤ and ⊥ (alternately, constants { T, F }, { 1, 0 } etc. )

The "theory-extension" connective EQUALS (alternately, IDENTITY, or the sign " = " as distinguished from the "logical connective" )

Each propositional variable in the set is a formula,

is a formula whenever is, and

is a formula whenever and are formulas and is one of the binary connectives .

The classical presentation of propositional logic (see Enderton 2002) uses the connectives . The set of formulas over a given set of propositional variables is inductively defined to be the smallest set of expressions such that:

This inductive definition can be easily extended to cover additional connectives.

The inductive definition can also be rephrased in terms of a closure operation (Enderton 2002). Let V denote a set of propositional variables and let XV denote the set of all strings from an alphabet including symbols in V, left and right parentheses, and all the logical connectives under consideration. Each logical connective corresponds to a formula building operation, a function from XXV to XXV:

The set of formulas over V is defined to be the smallest subset of XXV containing V and closed under all the formula building operations.

Example: The following truth table is De Morgan's law for the behavior of NOT over OR: ~(a ∨ b) ≡ (~a & ~b). To the left of the principal connective ≡ (yellow column labelled "taut") the formula ~(b ∨ a) evaluates to (1, 0, 0, 0) under the label "P". On the right of "taut" the formula (~(b) ∨ ~(a)) also evaluates to (1, 0, 0, 0) under the label "Q". As the two columns have equivalent evaluations, the logical equivalence ≡ under "taut" evaluates to (1, 1, 1, 1), i.e. P ≡ Q. Thus either formula can be substituted for the other if it appears in a larger formula.

Example 1: What does one make of the following difficult-to-follow assertion? Is it valid? "If it's sunny, but if the frog is croaking then it's not sunny, then it's the same as saying that the frog isn't croaking." Convert this to a propositional formula as follows:

" IF (a AND (IF b THEN NOT-a) THEN NOT-a" where " a " represents "its sunny" and " b " represents "the frog is croaking":
( ( (a) & ( (b) → ~(a) ) ≡ ~(b) )
This is well-formed, but is it valid? In other words, when evaluated will this yield a tautology (all T) beneath the logical-equivalence symbol ≡ ? The answer is NO, it is not valid. However, if reconstructed as an implication then the argument is valid.
"Saying it's sunny, but if the frog is croaking then it's not sunny, implies that the frog isn't croaking."
Other circumstances may be preventing the frog from croaking: perhaps a crane ate it.

Example 2 (from Reichenbach via Bertrand Russell):

"If pigs have wings, some winged animals are good to eat. Some winged animals are good to eat, so pigs have wings."
( ((a) → (b)) & (b) → (a) ) is well formed, but an invalid argument as shown by the red evaluation under the principal implication:


  1. a, b, c, d are variables. ((( a & ~(b) ) & ~(c)) & d) is a term. This can be abbreviated as (a & ~b & ~c & d), or a~b~cd.
  2. p, q, r, s are variables. (((p ∨ ~(q) ) ∨ r) ∨ ~(s) ) is an alterm. This can be abbreviated as (p ∨ ~q ∨ r ∨ ~s).


  1. ( ( c & d ) ∨ ( p & ( ~( c & ~( d ) ) ) ) = q, but now let p = q:
  2. ( ( c & d ) ∨ ( q & ( ~( c & ~( d ) ) ) ) = q

Example: Here O is an expression about an object's BEING or QUALITY:

  1. Law of Identity: O = O
  2. Law of contradiction: ~(O & ~(O))
  3. Law of excluded middle: (O ∨ ~(O))

Bertrand Russell (1912:74) lists three laws of thought that derive from Aristotle: (1) The law of identity: "Whatever is, is.", (2) The law of noncontradiction: "Nothing can both be and not be", and (3) The law of excluded middle: "Everything must be or not be."

The use of the word "everything" in the law of excluded middle renders Russell's expression of this law open to debate. If restricted to an expression about BEING or QUALITY with reference to a finite collection of objects (a finite "universe of discourse") -- the members of which can be investigated one after another for the presence or absence of the assertion—then the law is considered intuitionistically appropriate. Thus an assertion such as: "This object must either BE or NOT BE (in the collection)", or "This object must either have this QUALITY or NOT have this QUALITY (relative to the objects in the collection)" is acceptable. See more at Venn diagram.

Although a propositional calculus originated with Aristotle, the notion of an algebra applied to propositions had to wait until the early 19th century. In an (adverse) reaction to the 2000 year tradition of Aristotle's syllogisms, John Locke's Essay concerning human understanding (1690) used the word semiotics (theory of the use of symbols). By 1826 Richard Whately had critically analyzed the syllogistic logic with a sympathy toward Locke's semiotics. George Bentham's work (1827) resulted in the notion of "quantification of the predicate" (1827) (nowadays symbolized as ∀ ≡ "for all"). A "row" instigated by William Hamilton over a priority dispute with Augustus De Morgan "inspired George Boole to write up his ideas on logic, and to publish them as MAL [Mathematical Analysis of Logic] in 1847" (Grattin-Guinness and Bornet 1997:xxviii).

About his contribution Grattin-Guinness and Bornet comment:

Gottlob Frege's massive undertaking (1879) resulted in a formal calculus of propositions, but his symbolism is so daunting that it had little influence excepting on one person: Bertrand Russell. First as the student of Alfred North Whitehead he studied Frege's work and suggested a (famous and notorious) emendation with respect to it (1904) around the problem of an antinomy that he discovered in Frege's treatment ( cf Russell's paradox ). Russell's work led to a collaboration with Whitehead that, in the year 1912, produced the first volume of Principia Mathematica (PM). It is here that what we consider "modern" propositional logic first appeared. In particular, PM introduces NOT and OR and the assertion symbol ⊦ as primitives. In terms of these notions they define IMPLICATION → ( def. *1.01: ~p ∨ q ), then AND (def. *3.01: ~(~p ∨ ~q) ), then EQUIVALENCE p ←→ q (*4.01: (p → q) & ( q → p ) ).

Computation and switching logic:

(1950). The Elements of Mathematical Logic. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, Inc. ISBN 0-486-44617-4.

Rosenbloom, Paul

(1952). Introduction to metamathematics. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company.

Kleene, Stephen

Bender, Edward A. and Williamson, S. Gill, 2005, A Short Course in Discrete Mathematics, Dover Publications, Mineola NY,  0-486-43946-1. This text is used in a "lower division two-quarter [computer science] course" at UC San Diego.


, 2002, A Mathematical Introduction to Logic. Harcourt/Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-238452-0

Enderton, H. B.

Goodstein, R. L., (Pergamon Press 1963), 1966, (Dover edition 2007), Boolean Algebra, Dover Publications, Inc. Minola, New York,  0-486-45894-6. Emphasis on the notion of "algebra of classes" with set-theoretic symbols such as ∩, ∪, ' (NOT), ⊂ (IMPLIES). Later Goldstein replaces these with &, ∨, ¬, → (respectively) in his treatment of "Sentence Logic" pp. 76–93.


and Gérard Bornet 1997, George Boole: Selected Manuscripts on Logic and its Philosophy, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basil, ISBN 978-0-8176-5456-6 (Boston).

Ivor Grattan-Guinness

A. G. Hamilton 1978, Logic for Mathematicians, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK,  0-521-21838-1.


E. J. 1965, Introduction to the Theory of Switching Circuits, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. No ISBN. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 65-17394. McCluskey was a student of Willard Quine and developed some notable theorems with Quine and on his own. For those interested in the history, the book contains a wealth of references.


1967, Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines, Prentice-Hall, Inc, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.. No ISBN. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67-12342. Useful especially for computability, plus good sources.

Marvin L. Minsky

1969, 1997, Mathematical Logic: A First Course, Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York, ISBN 0-486-45018-X (pbk.).

Joel W. Robbin

1957 (1999 Dover edition), Introduction to Logic, Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York. ISBN 0-486-40687-3 (pbk.). This book is in print and readily available.

Patrick Suppes

On his page 204 in a footnote he references his set of axioms to , "Sets of Independent Postulates for the Algebra of Logic", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 5 91904) pp. 288-309.

E. V. Huntington

1941 (1995 Dover edition), Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences, Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York. ISBN 0-486-28462-X (pbk.). This book is in print and readily available.

Alfred Tarski

1967, 3rd printing with emendations 1976, From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879-1931, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. ISBN 0-674-32449-8 (pbk.) Translation/reprints of Frege (1879), Russell's letter to Frege (1902) and Frege's letter to Russell (1902), Richard's paradox (1905), Post (1921) can be found here.

Jean van Heijenoort

and Bertrand Russell 1927 2nd edition, paperback edition to *53 1962, Principia Mathematica, Cambridge University Press, no ISBN. In the years between the first edition of 1912 and the 2nd edition of 1927, H. M. Sheffer 1921 and M. Jean Nicod (no year cited) brought to Russell's and Whitehead's attention that what they considered their primitive propositions (connectives) could be reduced to a single |, nowadays known as the "stroke" or NAND (NOT-AND, NEITHER ... NOR...). Russell-Whitehead discuss this in their "Introduction to the Second Edition" and makes the definitions as discussed above.

Alfred North Whitehead

William E. Wickes 1968, Logic Design with Integrated Circuits, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. No ISBN. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 68-21185. Tight presentation of engineering's analysis and synthesis methods, references McCluskey 1965. Unlike Suppes, Wickes' presentation of "Boolean algebra" starts with a set of postulates of a truth-table nature and then derives the customary theorems of them (p. 18ff).

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