Katana VentraIP

Victoria University of Manchester

The Victoria University of Manchester, usually referred to as simply the University of Manchester, was a university in Manchester, England. It was founded in 1851 as Owens College. In 1880, the college joined the federal Victoria University. After the demerger of the Victoria University, it gained an independent university charter in 1904 as the Victoria University of Manchester.[2]

Former names

Owens College

Latin: Arduus ad solem

Striving towards the sun

12 March 1851[1]1 October 2004

Scarf: Blue, green white

On 1 October 2004, the Victoria University of Manchester merged with the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) to form a new, larger entity named the University of Manchester.

Motto and arms[edit]

The motto of the university was Arduus ad solem, meaning "striving towards the sun". It is a metaphor for aspiring to enlightenment. It is quoted from Virgil's Aeneid, Book II,[13] and the archives do not record the reasons for its choice.[14] The original verse refers to a serpent and the sun, both of which featured in the university coat of arms. The serpent is traditionally associated with wisdom. The arms were granted in October 1871 to Owens College while the Victoria University had arms of its own which fell into abeyance from 1904 upon the merger of the college with the University.

According to Norman Marlow (A. N. Marlow, Senior Lecturer in Latin, Department of Classics at the university in the 1960s), the motto Arduus ad solem – taken from Aeneid II – was a play on words, relating to Manchester's geographical situation. The Virgilian context referred to Pyrrhus, appearing in shining armour 'like a snake which has sloughed its skin, reaching upwards with an effort towards the sun'; the motto was chosen by the Professor of Latin at the time (Augustus Wilkins) and the coat of arms was applied for – suggesting both the idea of the institution striving towards excellence, and the city (with its particularly high annual rainfall) 'reaching upwards with difficulty towards the sun'.

The emblem of the university in use for a number of years (last used September 2004) was based on the archway into the quadrangle from Oxford Road, where there are two coats of arms, of the Victoria University and the Victoria University of Manchester, flanking the gates.

Armorial of UK universities

Victoria University

The University of Manchester

List of modern universities in Europe (1801–1945)

Listed buildings in Manchester-M13

Charlton, H. B. (1951) , 1851–1951: to commemorate the centenary of Manchester University. Manchester: Manchester University Press

Portrait of a University

Fiddes, Edward (1937) Chapters in the History of Owens College and of Manchester University, 1851–1914. Manchester: Manchester University Press (Fiddes was registrar of the university 1904-20 and Ward Professor of History 1926–31)

(1900), editor The Owens College, Manchester: a brief history of the college and description of its various departments. Manchester: J. E. Cornish

Hartog, P. J.

Pullan, Brian, with Michele Abendstern (2000) A History of the University of Manchester, 1951–73. Manchester: Manchester University Press  0-7190-5670-5 Selected pages


Pullan, Brian; with Abendstern, Michele (2004) A History of the University of Manchester, 1973-90. Manchester: Manchester University Press.  978-0-7190-6242-1


Thompson, Joseph (1886) The Owens College its foundation and growth: and its connection with the Victoria University, Manchester. Manchester: J. E. Cornish

& Tait, James (eds.) (1902) Historical Essays by the Members of Owens College, Manchester: published in commemoration of its Jubilee, 1851-1901. London: Longmans, Green 1902

Tout, T. F.

Whitworth Art Gallery Treasures of the University of Manchester: an exhibition to celebrate the granting of the royal charter to the Victoria University in 1880; Whitworth Art Gallery, 26 April -- 28 June 1980

This is a list of books about the Victoria University of Manchester and its predecessor Owens College.

1874 – Owens College, Manchester, Lancashire

The University of Manchester

Old website of The Victoria University of Manchester (closed Sep 2004)

held by the University of Manchester Library

University of Manchester Archives

Lists of students at Owens College