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Samaritanism (Hebrew: הַדָּת הַשּׁוֹמְרוֹנִית; Arabic: السامرية) is an Abrahamic, monotheistic, and ethnic religion.[1] It comprises the collective spiritual, cultural, and legal traditions of the Samaritan people, who originate from the Hebrews and Israelites and began to emerge as a relatively distinct group after the Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Neo-Assyrian Empire during the Iron Age. Central to the faith is the Samaritan Pentateuch, which Samaritans believe is the original and unchanged version of the Torah.[2]


Abraham (traditional) Moses (traditional, lawgiver)

c. 6th–3rd century BCE

~900 (Samaritans)

Although it developed alongside and is closely related to Judaism, Samaritanism asserts itself as the truly preserved form of the monotheistic faith that the Israelites adopted under Moses. Samaritan belief also holds that the Israelites' original holy site was Mount Gerizim, near Nablus,[3] and that Jerusalem only attained importance under Israelite dissenters who had followed Eli to the city of Shiloh; the Israelites who remained at Mount Gerizim would become the Samaritans in the Kingdom of Israel, whereas the Israelites who left would become the Jews in the Kingdom of Judah. Mount Gerizim is likewise revered by Samaritans as the location where the Binding of Isaac took place, in contrast to the Jewish belief that it occurred at Jerusalem's Temple Mount.


Israelite-era schism[edit]

Samaritanism holds that the summit of Mount Gerizim is the true location of God's Holy Place. Samaritans trace their history as a separate entity to a period soon after the Israelites' entry into the Promised Land. Samaritan historiography traces the schism itself to High Priest Eli leaving Mount Gerizim, where stood the first Israelite altar in Canaan, and building a competing altar in nearby Shiloh. The dissenting group of Israelites who had followed Eli to Shiloh would be the ones who in later years would head south to settle Jerusalem (the Jews), whereas the Israelites who stayed on Mount Gerizim, in Samaria, would become known as the Samaritans.[4]

Abu l-Fath, who in the 14th century wrote a major work of Samaritan history, comments on Samaritan origins as follows:[4]

There is one , Yahweh, the same God recognized by the Jewish prophets. Faith is in the unity of the Creator which is absolute unity. It is the cause of the causes, and it fills the entire world. His nature can not be understood by human beings, but according to his actions and according to his revelation to his people and the kindness he showed them.


The is the only true holy book and was given by God to Moses. The Torah was created before the creation of the world and whoever believes in it is assured a part in the World to Come. The status of the Torah in Samaritanism as the only holy book causes Samaritans to reject the Oral Torah, Talmud, and all prophets and scriptures except for Joshua, whose book in the Samaritan community is significantly different from the Book of Joshua in the Jewish Bible. Essentially, the authority of all post-Torah sections of the Jewish Bible, and classical Jewish Rabbinical works (the Talmud, comprising the Mishnah and the Gemara) is rejected. Moses is considered to be the last of the line of prophets.


Mount Gerizim, not Jerusalem, is the one true sanctuary chosen by God. The Samaritans do not recognize the sanctity of Jerusalem and do not recognize the , claiming instead that Mount Gerizim was the place where the binding of Isaac took place.

Temple Mount

The apocalypse, called "the day of vengeance", will be the end of days, when a figure called the Taheb (essentially the Samaritan equivalent of the ) from the tribe of Joseph will come, be a prophet like Moses for forty years and bring about the return of all the Israelites, following which the dead will be resurrected. The Taheb will then discover the tent of Moses' Tabernacle on Mount Gerizim, and will be buried next to Joseph when he dies.[16][17]

Jewish Messiah

The principal beliefs of Samaritanism are as follows:[13][14][15]

Samaritans, from a photo c. 1900 by the Palestine Exploration Fund.

Samaritans, from a photo c. 1900 by the Palestine Exploration Fund.

Sukkot on Mount Gerizim

Sukkot on Mount Gerizim

Entrance to a modern Samaritan synagogue in the city of Holon, Israel

Entrance to a modern Samaritan synagogue in the city of Holon, Israel

The Samaritans preserve a form of the proto-Hebraic script, conserve the institution of a High Priesthood, and the practice of slaughtering and eating lambs on Passover eve. They celebrate Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot,[18] but use a different mode from that employed in Judaism in order to determine the dates annually.[19] Yom Teru'ah (the Biblical name for "Rosh Hashanah"), at the beginning of Tishrei, is not considered a New Year as it is in Rabbinic Judaism.

The Sabbath is observed weekly by the Samaritan community every Friday to Saturday beginning and ending at sundown. For twenty-four hours, the families gather together to celebrate the rest day: all electricity with the exception of minimal lighting (kept on the entire day) in the house is disconnected, no work is done, and neither cooking nor driving is allowed. The time is devoted to worship which consists of seven prayer services (divided into two for Sabbath eve, two in the morning, two in afternoon and one at eve of conclusion), reading the weekly Torah portion (according to the Samaritan yearly Torah cycle), spending quality time with family, taking meals, rest and sleep, and visiting other members of the community.[20]

Passover is particularly important in the Samaritan community, climaxing with the sacrifice of up to 40 sheep. The Counting of the Omer remains largely unchanged; however, the week before Shavuot is a unique festival celebrating the continued commitment Samaritanism has maintained since the time of Moses. Shavuot is characterized by nearly day-long services of continuous prayer, especially over the stones on Gerizim traditionally attributed to Joshua.

During Sukkot, the sukkah is built inside houses, as opposed to outdoor settings that are traditional among Jews.[21] Samaritan historian Benyamim Tsedaka traces the indoor-sukkah tradition to persecution of Samaritans during the Byzantine Empire.[21] The roof of the Samaritan sukkah is decorated with citrus fruits and the branches of palm, myrtle, and willow trees, according to the Samaritan interpretation of the four species designated in the Torah for the holiday.[21]

: There are some 6,000 differences between the Samaritan Pentateuch and the Masoretic Jewish Pentateuch text; and, according to one estimate, 1,900 points of agreement between it and the Greek LXX version. Several passages in the New Testament would also appear to echo a Torah textual tradition not dissimilar to that conserved in the Samaritan text. There are several theories regarding the similarities. The variations, some corroborated by readings in the Old Latin, Syriac and Ethiopian translations, attest to the antiquity of the Samaritan text,[22][23][24] although the exact date of composition is still largely unclear. Granted special attention is the so-called "Abisha Scroll", a manuscript of the Pentateuch tradition attributed to Abishua, grandson of Aaron, traditionally compiled during the Bronze Age.

Samaritan Pentateuch

Historical writings

Samaritan Chronicle, The Tolidah

Halakhic texts

Haggadic Midrash texts

Liturgical texts


Samaritan law differs from Halakha (Rabbinic Jewish law) and other Jewish movements. The Samaritans have several groups of religious texts, which correspond to Jewish Halakha. A few examples of such texts are:

Amram ibn Salameh

Anderson, Robert T.; Giles, Terry (2002). . Hendrickson Publishing. ISBN 1-56563-519-1.

The Keepers: An Introduction to the History and Culture of the Samaritans

Bowman, John, ed. (1 January 1977). . Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers. ISBN 978-0-915138-27-2.

Samaritan Documents: Relating to their History, Religion, and Life

de Hemmer Gudme, Anne Katrine (28 May 2013). . Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-030187-8.

Before the God in this Place for Good Remembrance: A Comparative Analysis of the Aramaic Votive Inscriptions from Mount Gerizim

Kiaris, Hippokratis (15 June 2021). (Revised and Extended ed.). Universal-Publishers. ISBN 978-1-62734-345-9.

Genes, Polymorphisms, and the Making of Societies: A Genetic Perspective of the Divergence between East and West

Law, Timothy Michael (15 August 2013). . OUP USA. ISBN 978-0-19-978172-0.

When God Spoke Greek: The Septuagint and the Making of the Christian Bible

Seeligmann, Isaac Leo (2004). . Mohr Siebeck. ISBN 978-3-16-148372-1.

The Septuagint Version of Isaiah and Cognate Studies

Powels, Sylvia (1989). Crown, Alan David (ed.). . Mohr Siebeck. ISBN 978-3-16-145237-6.

The Samaritans

Tsedaḳah, Avraham Nur (1958). [Samaritan Haggada and Pessah Passover] (in Hebrew). Tel-Aviv: מוציא לאור לא ידוע.

זבח קרבן הפסח: הגדה של פסח, נוסח שומרוני

Tsedaka, Benyamim (2013). . Wm. B. Eerdmans. ISBN 9780802865199.

The Israelite Samaritan Version of the Torah

VanderKam, James; Flint, Peter (10 July 2005). . A&C Black. ISBN 978-0-567-08468-2.

The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Their Significance For Understanding the Bible, Judaism, Jesus, and Christianity